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Specifications I reviewed the 40 watt Chubster (it's also available in a 55 watt version). It's powered by 2 EL34 power amp tubes and five 12AX7 preamp The Rivera Chubster 40 (Kee-Ya-Nuh) features 40watts of EL-34 power, 2 independent & foot-switchable channels with boosts. Four different style of cleans Product Specifications · Cabinet Material: American Maple Solid Core Plywood · Cabinet Covering: Black Tolex Vinyl · Grille Cloth Color: Vintage Blonde · CabinetRivera's Chubster 40 features, fuctions and full Eq demo is shown using a Yahama hollowbody with About the Rivera Chubster 40 amp: The Rivera Chubster 40 is a two-channel, 40 watts, combo guitar amp. Whilst this amp looks great, it's also very Manuals and User Guides for Rivera Chubster 40. We have 1 Rivera Chubster 40 manual available for free PDF download: Owner's Manual not need manual if you have already worked on tube amps + master / volume clean tones, crunch and drive are at the appointment and quality With 40 watts of EL34 power, five 12AX7 preamp tubes and an exceptionally deep open-back American Maple solid core plywood enclosure, the Chubster 40 is
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